MAXA Designs
MAXA Designs provides the #1 rated marketing center and design studio for the mortgage industry. MAXA enable brokerages to offer print and social media marketing templates to their mortgage lenders. Since 2012, MAXA has built automated marketing technology and design editing tools similar to Canva.com purpose built for the mortgage and financial services industry. With continuous client feedback from the top 50 mortgage brands in the industry and data integrations with best in class CRMS and vendors, MAXA has positioned its value to be the most widely adopted tool by mortgage marketing teams and their lenders.
MAXA Designs is the mortgage industries #1partner for design technology and design services. We started in Los Angeles and have grown into a full time team of 60 top talented creatives and developers globally.
At a glance MAXA:
MAXA immediately solves major pain points and challenges for mortgage marketing teams including:
Maxa has spent the last 12 years working with mortgage brokerages to build the most comprehensive design platform catering to the marketing team’s need for brand control while servicing the loan officer for a more “done for you” experience.

Main Categories
Sub Categories
Industry Sectors
Reverse Mortgage
Capital and Secondary Markets
Independent Mortgage Banks
Mortgage Brokers
Wholesale Lender
Credit Union
Regional Branch / Office
Company Information
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