Buyer’s Guide
Borrower Retention Software

In the competitive mortgage lending market, retaining borrowers is just as important as acquiring new ones. Mortgage borrower retention software is a specialized tool designed to help lenders maintain their existing client base through various engagement and loyalty strategies. This guide provides an overview of what mortgage borrower retention software offers, its benefits, and key considerations for mortgage lenders looking to invest in such technology. 

What is Mortgage Borrower Retention Software? 

Mortgage borrower retention software is a platform that assists mortgage lenders in keeping their current borrowers engaged and satisfied to enhance customer loyalty and prevent turnover. It utilizes data analytics, communication tools, and personalized marketing strategies to offer timely and relevant content, offers, and assistance to borrowers. This software aims to nurture the lender-borrower relationship beyond the closing of a loan, encouraging repeat business and referrals. 

Features of Mortgage Borrower Retention Software 

Common features include: 

  • Customer Segmentation: Allows lenders to categorize borrowers based on various criteria for targeted campaigns. 
  • Personalized Communication: Automated, personalized messaging and offers via email, SMS, or app notifications. 
  • Loan Portfolio Analysis: Identifies refinancing or loan modification opportunities within the existing customer base. 
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Collects feedback to improve services and address potential issues proactively. 
  • Reminder Systems: Sends timely reminders for renewals, policy updates, or market information. 
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with other systems like CRM and loan origination systems. 

Benefits of Mortgage Borrower Retention Software 

Investing in borrower retention software offers several advantages: 

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Ensures borrowers feel valued and understood, increasing loyalty. 
  • Increased Efficiency: Automates routine communication and analysis, allowing lenders to focus on personalized service where it counts. 
  • Improved Loan Retention Rates: Engages borrowers at critical decision-making points to encourage renewal or refinancing with the original lender. 
  • Data-Driven Insights: Offers valuable insights into customer behavior trends, aiding in tailored product offerings. 

Does Mortgage Borrower Retention Software Work for All Lines of the Mortgage Business? 

Yes, mortgage borrower retention software can be beneficial for all lines of the mortgage business, including retail, wholesale, and servicing. The software can be customized to address the unique retention challenges and opportunities present in each sector, making it a versatile tool for any mortgage lender. 

Other Considerations When Evaluating Mortgage Borrower Retention Software 


Investigate whether the software specializes in the mortgage industry or is a general customer relation tool, as specialized solutions may offer more pertinent features. 

Internal Resources Needed: 

Consider the personnel required to manage the software and strategies effectively. This can include IT support, marketing, and customer service teams. 

System Access: 

Determine whether the software is cloud-based for easy access from any location, or if it requires installation on specific systems. 

Compliance Requirements: 

The software should comply with industry regulations related to data protection, privacy, and communication with borrowers. 

Implementation, Performance, and Tracking Results: 

Evaluate the ease of implementation, how performance will be measured, and the software’s capability to track and report outcomes effectively. 

How Much Does Mortgage Borrower Retention Software Cost? 

The cost can vary widely based on features, customization, and the number of users. Some providers may charge a monthly subscription fee, while others might offer pricing based on the volume of borrowers or transactions. It’s essential to consider the return on investment, as higher retention rates can significantly impact a lender’s profitability. 

To Recap 

Mortgage borrower retention software is an invaluable tool for lenders aiming to maintain and strengthen their relationship with existing borrowers. By facilitating personalized communication, identifying retention opportunities, and improving customer satisfaction, this technology can play a pivotal role in enhancing borrower loyalty. When selecting borrower retention software, lenders should consider not only the cost but also the software’s specialization, the internal resources needed, system access, compliance support, and its ability to monitor implementation and performance. With the right mortgage borrower retention software, lenders can secure a competitive edge by building a loyal customer base that contributes to long-term business growth. 

Explore Mortgage Borrower Retention Software